Brand Research – ARCHI
By: Tamari Ghadalashvili, Dodona Namoradze
In order to have a proper company audit, each organization needs to have a list of different questions, which can define their potential consumers’ needs and wants. As we’ve already had specific questions provided, we decided to make short interviews with at least 12 people around us, chosen randomly.
Most of the answers for the first question which was connected with the product lines or the companies they could think about, were connected with the food industry, then would follow the hygiene product lines and then luxury ones. When it would come to our brand and the construction company of Archi, all of those interviewees knew about it and what it is providing and some of them even had the proper information about the conditions of having an apartment of Archi. As our audit showed us, people prefer to have an apartment with our company, rather than with other brands like m2 and etc. The main reasons were all connected with the prices and the loans offered by those construction firms.
According to the fact that the Archi Group has been collaborating with popular TV shows and other leading organizations, people know the brand itself and consider it as one of the best construction brands. Those who didn’t have any connection with the company, mentioned that they have noticed some important points from different street banners and online advertising campaigns.
Among those respondents that we had the interviews with, about 40% have the actual apartment in Archi apartments. First component that they have highlighted was the plan of the apartment, as they believe the way the company plans the space is one of the most important factors for each customer. So, they differentiated Archi from other construction firms first by that element and then they fulfilled it with the individual loan plans and discounts offered by the Archi Group. When it comes to the other product elements, they would start with the safety and how the company creates a safe environment for its customers not only in the apartment buildings, but also in the sea-side or mountainous hotels.
Another advantage, which was mentioned during the interviews, of having an Archi apartment is the service and how they satisfy customers’ requirements with individually created contracts and offerings. Each Archi apartment has its own customer service and group of people who are responsible on working on any type of problem and system development.
With the high-quality service, there comes the need of modern and fashionable styles of house designs. Archi doesn’t only follow the changes and adapt with them, but also has a collaboration with a group of designers, who can plan your home according to your needs, wants and desires. According to these kind of answers, we were able to say that the company of Archi is stylish and follows the fashion.
Another issue discussed with our interviewees was connected to the frequency of changes in prices and the financial requirements. 90% of current Archi apartment owners’ answers were positive and said that they feel comfortable as the company provides the stable financial conditions and does its best not to make important changes as they understand their customer needs and wants really well. When most construction companies are fully-depended to the currency changes or other governmental regulations, Archi keeps its word and tries not to make its customers feel uncomfortable about it. Which again gives some kind of privileges to the organization itself and makes its customers much more confident about their choices.
According to the results, as most of those interviewees were our relatives or people who we trust and like, about 40% are the owners of the apartments and other part just wants to become the owner and it’s just a matter of time.
While we were in the process of describing the brand of Archi, we tried to use these words for making their impressions clear:
- Down-to-earth
- Honest
- Daring
- Up-to-date
- Reliable
- Successful
- Upper class
- Charming
- Outdoorsy
Those words clearly explain how the group inside of the company works and what kind of expectations can the customers have from its service.
Archi has its apartments and in some cases is still leading to finish them at about 50 different location In Tbilisi and Batumi. But, most of them are in located in Tbilisi. We can that this is an advantage for those who live in Tbilisi, but also can be a disadvantage for those who need the apartments outside of Tbilisi. Another strength for the company is that it uses German brand YTONG® for its building sources. Most of the positive and pleasant thoughts were connected to the mega shows in Georgia, when Archi has been gifting the participants or the winners with its apartments. The interviewees believe that this is also a good way for building the reputation among existing and also potential consumers.
This brand is marketing their services in a very smart way. Our assessment of the quality of this brand is positive, and we believe that this brand fully satisfies the product needs of our customers. This brand is of a very good value, since the quality of the products and services are in balance with the prices. The makers of this brand are apparently extremely knowledgeable about the market and the needs of the customers. They are also innovative in the making of this brand, since the services are unique and fit to each and every customer. The customers trust the makers of this brand to the roots, since they understand the customers’ needs, they care about their opinions and have their best interests in mind.