Kaiaki brand and characteristics
The oldest and one of the most used alcoholic beverages worldwide is beer. Thousands of micro breweries and numerous international corporations make up the world’s largest industry for beer today. One of Georgia’s bestcompanies of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is Georgian Beer Company Kaiaki. Kaiaki created in 2019 already has it’s own customer and I am one of them. Kaiaki is for everyone who loves beer and this company don’t have only specific target audience.
Kaiaki is a brand which is based on simplicity and all components of this brand is simple that it should become simple memorable for customers .
Brand’s Name Kaiaki we can understood in two ways. If we cut the name it comes out Kaia ki which means that it’s a good one. This name already create an expectation that it’s a cool brand , it’s easy , and customers already want to buy it, try it and find out why it’s good.
As slogan it’s “Kaiaki a simple beer,, which is easy to understand. With this slogan, they emphasize the simplicity of their brand to make it easy for everyone to understand. They underline and draw attention to the fact that, unlike all other rival businesses, beer is something to be drank and enjoyed without any need for a detailed or philosophical explanation.
Logo is a simple one as a slogan and name . They have put all the necessary information on the logo that is easy to understand and at the same time necessary for the user and most importantly is aesthetic. On the logo there is a name and a slogan in both Georgian and English so that everyone can understand it.
If people one day decide that taste beer it would be good if they starts with kaiaki because after that this brand will become their loved one which will always remember with simplicity.
Taira Maghlakelidze