Lizi Tchonkadze and Mariam Baghdoshvili
Nowadays that we can buy just about anything with a few mouse clicks from the comfort of our home, very few people actually feel the need to venture into brick and mortar stores. There is no denying the fact that online shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping. Online shopping saves time and money. Buyers can order any goods online and it will be delivered to their home and office. Internet shopping gives attractive prices. Most online shops give discounted price which will lead to more saving to shoppers. Also, it allows shoppers to compare prices in various online shopping.
During the pandemic, as in the rest of the world, the importance of online shopping in Georgia increased dramatically. This has become the only way to buy the desired product and consequently people have been forced to take advantage of online shopping.
We decided to study the ESFMs of Georgian consumers in relation to Georgian online stores.
In our list, there were 2 shops and we asked youth consumers what they think about them.
First shop was Nairnairi, The brand is for those who find themselves interested and looking for original means of self-expression. Designer creates for people who are obsessed with pop culture, have a lot of hobbies, interest in news and do not like to stand in one place. We have rarely seen a brand that is your friend, cares about your feelings, and tries to help you without any formalities. This is Nairnairi, so we really expected the impressions full of emotions and stories about this brand. Because this brand is mostly for youth, we asked our friends about ESFM. One of them said that no matter what he wants to buy, Nairnairi always makes him happy, because goods, relations, any type of contact with them is full of happiness.
The next online store we asked people about is a new Georgian brand, a very bad company. Their marketing moves are exciting and fun for all marketers. When thinking about the logo and the characteristics of the brand in general, the emphasis was on simplicity, easy to understand and memorable. This is how the first and most popular post appeared: “We do not • love you”. This point – in communication format, has become the image line of a very bad company. “In our opinion, one of the inconveniences for the customer is communication with companies, which means asking questions in a template format, understanding the product information and receiving the final service. In our case, all these phases can be combined by the customer in one sentence so that the feeling of “evasion” does not remain, because he knows that he will receive an appropriate response from the company, “- explains the founder of “Very Bad Company”.
At this point, Very Bad Company sells slangs that are presented on the t-shirt. There is a QR code on the back of the T-shirt, from which there is an English definition of Georgian slang. In addition, “Very bad socks” and hoods are available. We asked their consumers why this brand is so interesting. One of them told us that it is very exciting when you know that you are dealing with a very bad company. Do you have feelings that maybe this company is really very bad, as they say themselves, you can pay money and did not get the desired product and you are afraid of it. It is because of these sensations that the marketing calculations of this company are very interesting and at the same time profitable. They know how to use consumers ESFM for gaining profit.